The Founder's Forwords



Access to education is a sacrosanct constitutional right for every Namibian citizen. This noble responsibility is bestowed upon the government to ensure delivery of education services to its population in an equitable manner. Despite the tangible efforts by government in giving due diligence to the agenda of citizenship education through continuous development of mechanisms in which education with regard to social rights and responsibilities, and the development of soft skills, could be imparted to young people alongside employment skills education, it is certainly not entirely upon state alone. It is a shared responsibility for every able citizen to fulfil this fundamental obligation.


We took cognisance that Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is a national key priority under the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation and it is on this basis that the Siya Institute of Vocational Education and Training (SIVET) was founded. Its mandate is aligned to the national strategic plans on TVET, as well as on the national and international developmental frameworks such as the National Development Plan 5 (NDP-5 with NDP- 6 in progress), the Harambee Prosperity Plan II, Vision 2030, Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals.


With a large young population in the country, we devote our energies and resources to tackle gaps in education geographic spread, low levels of skills among young people, and low economic growth rate. SIVET is steadfast with breaking barriers in ensuring access to quality post-secondary education for young people and other class of individuals, through well-coordinated TVET programs.


As a young institution of learning, we understand the plight of the communities’ knowledge economy and we are determined to bring you the best career oriented educational and training programs which are designed to suit your needs and demands of the industries. We are committed to contributing to the transformation of the national economy with a profound influence on economic development and socio-cultural dynamics of our communities.


Be sure to join this dynamic institution of young and vibrant academic instructors/trainers, who are dedicated to brighten your career and unlock your potentials. We wish you prosperity and excellence in your study endeavours at SIVET.